As a global publisher, Taylor & Francis understands the significance of providing accessible content to readers worldwide. In line with their commitment to excellence, they set out to ensure that all their eBooks met the industry-standard EPUB3 format, prioritizing accessibility and offering a modern and consistent approach to digital publications.
Alongside this, Taylor & Francis aimed to enhance accessibility metadata and improve discoverability for their titles. To accomplish these objectives, Taylor & Francis partnered with Straive to remediate their eBook content by converting outdated EPUB2 formats into the more advanced EPUB3 format.
- Enhancing functionality
- Expanding readership
- Upholding accessibility regulations
Learn how Taylor & Francis, in collaboration with Straive, transformed their eBook collections from compliance to excellence.
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At Straive, we operationalize data analytics and AI for global enterprises. We leverage our unique people-process-tech framework to build the best-of-breed data analytics & AI solutions. By operationalizing this solution into your core workflow, we deliver real-world measurable impact and better ROIs through a combination of higher efficiency, elevated experiences, and enhanced revenues.
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